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Expected games in Squid Game Season 2

by Mei:Ree 2021. 10. 31.

Expected games in Squid Game Season 2 


The Korean TV show, Squid game has become viral all over the world.

It was ended like there will be a second season. 

And I know this is sorely my opinion what we are expecting to see in season 2.

The director probably will cover few more Korean traditional games to make the tv show more interesting.

Games in Squid Game actually became very famous as well.

For instance, a sugar cookie making kit has been sold out in every website in Korea.


1. 말뚝박기 (Maldukbakki)

In this game, there are two teams(Offense and defense).

First, the defense side will need one person who's at the head(lead), the one has to do the rock-paper-scissors.

The lead of the defense side leans against a wall or a tree and other hold his head between the lead's crotch (The rest of defender bending over with his head down) and jump on the horse one after another. The purpose of the offense side is to try and break the horse (defense side) by jumping on the horse really hard.

If the offense side falls while riding a horse or loses rock-paper-scissors, the offense and the defense will be changed.

2. 꼬리잡기 (Chasing tail)

Two teams are needed and each team hold their team players clothes or waist one after the other (making a row). 

Each player at the front of each team becomes headsdd and each player at the end become tails.

When the games starts with a signal, the heads have to tag tails, the team who first tagged tail of the opponent team wins the game, but if the row is disconnected, then they lose the game.

3. 제기차기 (hacking jegi)

It is a game simlar to hacky sack.

It is played by kicking a shuttlecock looking object called a jegi.

Players can hold up their leg used to kick the jegi, with both hands,

use one foot or both feet to kick or use a riverse kick.

Basically if you drop jegi on the ground then you lose.


4. 지우개 따먹기 (Eraser wrestling)

Eraser wrestling is one of Korean game. 

when one peron's erase goes up on another person's eraser by alternatively moving each eraser,

the owner of the top eraser takes the bottom eraser away.


There are a lot more different Korean games

but in my own opinion, those are ones that could easily be inclueded in the season 2 of squid game.




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