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Squid Game, Youngsoo Oh on Hangout with you

by Mei:Ree 2021. 10. 25.

Squid Game, Youngsoo Oh on Hangout with you


Actor, Youngsoo Oh, who starred in Netflix series "Squid Game" appeared on MBC's "Hangout with you."

This was his first appearance on TV after Squid Game.

He said he feels like he is floating in the air but he should use his time to organize his thoughts and focus on self control.

He also mentioned he realized how tough it is to be famous as well since he now needs to be aware of himself when he visits places like cafes.


The Tv show host, Jaesuk Yoo asked how Youngsoo reacted when he first encountered script of Squid Game.

He said that he decided to take the role in Squid Game because he liked the director's insight into finding irrational phenomena in society through the symbolism of Squid Game.


The host asked which scene was the most memorable scene, he said the marble game scene reminded him of old memories that made him cry.

The host asked when he is the happiest, he said when he spend time with his family he is the happiest.


He mentioned how he became an actor.

He followed his friend to the theater and he coincidentally learnt how amazing it is to send a meaningful message to people through acting.

That's when he decided to become an actor.

He's been an actor for 58 years and he has been on more than 200 tv shows/movies/plays.

The tv show host asked him if there was anything he wants to share with the audience.

He said that a lot of people are thinking how to live.

Our society often make us think only first place matters.

But if you think about the second place, the second place actually won the third place.

So, acutally all people are winners. 

A person who tries to reach their goals by doing his best in what he wants to do.

That person is a real winnder and hope everyone lives their lives like that.


After the TV show, many people were admired by his messages and his msgs have became very popular even in global instagram posts/twitters.




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