Blending in Rep. Korea

Is Korea very racist?

by Mei:Ree 2021. 11. 8.

Is Korea very racist?

I often read expats community posts to hear more about how foreigners thought

about our country.

One of posts caught my eyes because it was showing foreigners view of Korea

whether they are racists or not.

One of expats who recently moved to Korea was asking whether the racism in Korea is bad.

Many expats gave her their insights about the racism in Korea.

Their opinions are as below:

'Pretty much all of Asia is far more racist than America but in different ways. 

Less on the hate crimes, but far more on the discrimination front, both overt and intentional 

and unintentional. Especially older people don't even bother to hide it.'


'It should be noted that there are no anti-discrimnation laws in Korea. 

If you are on the receiving end of racism, you can make a complaint to the human rights

commission but they can't really do anything to punish the perpetrators.

Racial discrimination is also present for ESL jobs at schools as many parents want their kids being

taught by white (female) teachers.'


'Korea as any homogeneous culture, will distinguish and brand yo uas a foreigner. 

Whether that's racist is debatable but this distinction will certainly exist.

they will treat yo uas a foreigner and sometimes that's good or bad.

In Korea you won't experience hate crime, societal friction based on race and 

in my experience Korea has a deep desire to learn about other cultures.'


'Not necessarily racist, like the type you would experience in the US but more 

like less understanding and awareness'


'Korea is more causally and ignorantly racist than a lot of countries.'


'Korean are more racist against Japanese or Chinese'


It was interesting to read all those opinions about Korea

because as a Korean who lived abroad half of her life in another country.

I believe Koreans could be very racist but unintentionally due to lack of exposure to foreigners.




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