Blending in Rep. Korea

What's the 설거지론?

by Mei:Ree 2021. 10. 26.

What's the 설거지론?

My Canadian husband even asked me what 설거지론 is since people in his company asked his opinion about it as a foreigner. 

So I'd like to explain basically what it means in English as well so those of you who haven't heard about it might have an idea what it is.


Dirty dish: spouse who had passionate relationships with others in the past but treats their married significant other like an ATM machine without love because they married for money and stability.

Dish washer: the lastone who could not have a chance to enjoy food but has to wash the dirty dish.


Most people said it is when a unattractive guy marries a very attractive woman with his financial leverage. And the wife doesn't love him in the same level of affectionate with her ex partners. She tolerates him while enjoying his wealth. Those kind of transactions have existed for a long time however some people on the internet gave a name for it, 'dish washers' or 퐁퐁남 (dish washer detergent).


Also, the late twenties women reacted to the 설거지론 saying that no women will intentionally target innocent nerdy unattractive guy for marriage, it is just that they have dated many people and their previous relationship experience make them realize how important it is to have someone who gives stability in their lives. They have realized the appearance isn't everything. that's why they marry someone who is maybe less attractive but more wealthy.






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