Blending in Rep. Korea

Korea does not recognize overseas vaccination records

by Mei:Ree 2021. 11. 16.

Korea does not recognize overseas vaccination records


Korean government system doesn't recognize vaccination abroad.

Foreigners who have been vaccinated before visiting Korea have been going through

unpleasant experience where they are not allowed to enter certain public places

(ex) movie theatre, gym, public library etc.

Currently, the Korean government system only recognize people inoculated in Korea.

Some foreigners even tried to transfer their medical record saying they have been fully vaccinated

to Korean medical centre but it didn't work.


Many foreigners in Korea who have been vaccinated outside of Korea are experiencing inconvenient

and frustrating situation.

Their options are very limited, either they wait until the Korean government changes the policy

or they get vaccinated again in Korea (which hasn't been confirmed whether it is safe).


Embassies in Korea have made formal complaints.


Funny thing is, while they don't accept foreigners who have been vaccinated outside of Korea, they do accept Korean nationals who receivecd vacciatnion outside of Korea.

This is possible because they can visit their local health centre and put their vaccination records from abroad into their Korean health system (the same vaccination certificates that are rejected when they are in foreign national's hands).


Korean government said it has plants to recognize overseas vaccinations for foreigners in the future.

To the claims that the Korean government was discriminating against foreigners in Korea, the official says, "That was not hte purpose of the policy."


- This discriminating policy has affected international couples in Korea as well.

Many couples here where the Korean spouse can get their foreign vaccination documents registered and 

where the foreign vaccination documents of the non-Korean spouse get rejected.






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