Blending in Rep. Korea

Kakaotalk QR code doesn't work

by Mei:Ree 2021. 10. 22.

Kakaotalk QR code doesn't work

As you may know, Korean government require residents and travellers in Seoul to complete a QR code based regiastration when you visit any facilities.

To generate your personal QR code, many people use Kakaotalk on their cell phone.

Registration of QR code is actually pretty simple.

1. Open your Kakaotalk app and go to 코로나19 on Kakaotalk news page. 

2. You can find "QR 체크인"  right below "코로나바이러스 감염증-19" QR 체크인

3. Then they will ask you to consent to terms regarding the use of personal information. You need to tock all boxes which says "필수" 

4. The next page will allow you to authenticate yourself by putting your phone number.

 - this is the most common issue that many foreigners cannot register QR code through the kakaotalk.

when you athenticate yourself, you need to put your name in all capitals, it is case sentive.


After authentication, you will be able to use Kakaotalk for QR code.




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