Blending in Rep. Korea

The biggest telecom in Korea (KT) down - wired/wireless

by Mei:Ree 2021. 10. 25.

The biggest telco in Korea (KT) was down


From 11 AM of Oct 25th, KT wired/wireless both internet was down. It has been confirmed that some wireless phone calls are available. But wired internet hasn't been working. KT official said they are looking into the cause of the problem. 


---------------- UPDATE NEWS----------------------

KT offical said they detected cyberattacks on KT's network which caused a disruption in major services nationwide.

This mornig people suing KT network service experienced disruption in both wired and wireless services including internet, payment, phone calls etc. 

As of 12PM, KT have recoevered most of its internet services however some regions are still having problem.

The cybercrime team of police office is currently investigating this and look into the scope of the attacks and the damage.

It hasn't been reported who was behind this cyberattacks.


Source: 연합뉴스




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